
"Sow a Seed"

"Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Galations 6:7 NKJV).
 In the time of need. Sow a seed.
I was doing my devotions this morning and wanted to reflect and share on the readings by Joel Osteen. As I know how hard it is as a farmer to wait patiently for his crops to grow- to faithfully harvest year after year with hopes for a fruitful and blessed return...
I enjoy taking that lesson and metaphor and applying it in other areas of my life.
Just as a farmer must plant some seeds if he hopes to reap the harvest, we, too, must plant some goods seeds in the fields of our families, careers, businesses, and personal relationships.
Today, plant seeds of goodness in someone else's life-
For when you give, you are preparing the way for God to meet your needs today and in the future.
"Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. Divide your gifts among many, for in the days ahead you yourself may need much help" (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 TLB).